Sagami 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 產品編號 4974234619245

( 選購 2+ 件商品 你將獲得10% 的折扣優惠 )
5% 現金獎分
重量: 24 g
HK Post - 平郵
DHL運輸 - DHL運輸


幸福之 0.01 毫米
1. 0.01 毫米有幾薄?
相模原創 0.01 實際上只有 18 微米 (相模的檢定標準)。最易理解的是,這個厚度是廚房中保鮮紙的一半,亦少於頭髮厚度的三分之一!

2. 這樣薄還可安心使用?
相模原創由一開始便使用比傳統乳膠安全套物料更強韌、耐久度更高的 PU (聚氨酯) 物料製造。雖然只有 0.01 毫米,但相模原創 0.01 實際上比我們製作的乳膠安全套強韌 3 至 5 倍呢!

3. 肌膚溫暖感瞬間傳達
使用傳統乳膠安全套,進入的一刻可有一種冰冷感?PU 物料有極良好的傳熱效率,可瞬間傳送雙方的體溫,使用時更加自然。

4. 完全沒有橡膠的臭味
使用一般乳膠安全套時,都有一些討厭的橡膠氣味,久久揮之不去。使用相模原創時卻完全沒有氣味,全因為 PU 物料是無色無味無嗅的。

5. 不用擔心乳膠過敏
你有沒有因為使用安全套而產生過敏性瘙癢、皮疹、蕁麻疹等症狀?相模原創,因為使用 PU 作材料,具有優良的生物相容性,所以特別推薦給擔心乳膠過敏的人士。

6. 滑溜溜的表面
因應 PU 物料之特性,實現使用時卓越的體感。再者,PU 物料有良好的熱可塑性 (加熱時變得柔軟,冷卻時變得較硬的特性)。隨著接近體溫,物料會變得柔軟,更加合身的特性。

7. 打開、取出、套上!就是這麼簡單!
8. 被受愛戴的品牌
於 1998 年,震撼性地推出相模原創 - "非乳膠安全套"。世界便從此產生變化。
為了提供更好的產品,在僅僅 0.018mm 的薄膜中,不單是技術,還有必需要的,就是感情及理想的投入。 今後,我們承諾繼續實現更加薄、更結實、更柔軟,持續進化我們的產品。
使用相模最薄的安全套,那個就是相模原創 0.01!

直徑 35mm;
圓周 110mm;
闊度 55±2mm
長度 170mm
厚度 18 微米(相模的檢定標準)
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-2
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-3
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-4
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-5
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-6
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-7
客戶預覽: 20

Very good, more than enough lubrication. Second time ordering, satisfied.

Clear, dick slides just right.

On the merits - thin, smooth, not noticeable for a girl that there is a condom

Very thin, lube doesn't stick, easy to rinse off

Quality, thin

We are super happy with it!

I really liked it, much better than the regular ones. I'll be getting more.

The first time I used it, my wife thought I was wearing nothing at all. I had to show her there was a condom. Very thin, quickly heated by the heat of the human body, you almost don't feel that it is there.

If you want to get closer to your partner, buying these condoms is the first step towards your goal. You are on the right track. I personally love them! =)

The best that money can buy! From the "put it on and forget it" category - the condom is not noticeable at all!


我試過好多牌子嘅安全套,但係Sagami - Original係我最鍾意嘅。佢好薄,感覺好自然。


Good quality logistics ultrafast

呢款Sagami 真係好用,好薄好舒服,感覺好似無著咁。我會推薦比我啲朋友。

I was true fan of Trojans for years but recently gave Sagami a test drive and ultimately switched. Fore me they are thinner and better fit

A genuine step forward for rubbers, I love this Sagami!

These condoms are thin enough to still be able to feel and do their job without breaking. So very recommend!

These ultra-thin ones are amazing! They feel like nothing's there, yet they're strong and reliable. Perfect size pack for travel, and the packaging is discreet. Highly recommend for a natural experience – you won't want to use anything else!

Nice feeling condom and great value for money.



幸福之 0.01 毫米
1. 0.01 毫米有幾薄?
相模原創 0.01 實際上只有 18 微米 (相模的檢定標準)。最易理解的是,這個厚度是廚房中保鮮紙的一半,亦少於頭髮厚度的三分之一!

2. 這樣薄還可安心使用?
相模原創由一開始便使用比傳統乳膠安全套物料更強韌、耐久度更高的 PU (聚氨酯) 物料製造。雖然只有 0.01 毫米,但相模原創 0.01 實際上比我們製作的乳膠安全套強韌 3 至 5 倍呢!

3. 肌膚溫暖感瞬間傳達
使用傳統乳膠安全套,進入的一刻可有一種冰冷感?PU 物料有極良好的傳熱效率,可瞬間傳送雙方的體溫,使用時更加自然。

4. 完全沒有橡膠的臭味
使用一般乳膠安全套時,都有一些討厭的橡膠氣味,久久揮之不去。使用相模原創時卻完全沒有氣味,全因為 PU 物料是無色無味無嗅的。

5. 不用擔心乳膠過敏
你有沒有因為使用安全套而產生過敏性瘙癢、皮疹、蕁麻疹等症狀?相模原創,因為使用 PU 作材料,具有優良的生物相容性,所以特別推薦給擔心乳膠過敏的人士。

6. 滑溜溜的表面
因應 PU 物料之特性,實現使用時卓越的體感。再者,PU 物料有良好的熱可塑性 (加熱時變得柔軟,冷卻時變得較硬的特性)。隨著接近體溫,物料會變得柔軟,更加合身的特性。

7. 打開、取出、套上!就是這麼簡單!
8. 被受愛戴的品牌
於 1998 年,震撼性地推出相模原創 - "非乳膠安全套"。世界便從此產生變化。
為了提供更好的產品,在僅僅 0.018mm 的薄膜中,不單是技術,還有必需要的,就是感情及理想的投入。 今後,我們承諾繼續實現更加薄、更結實、更柔軟,持續進化我們的產品。
使用相模最薄的安全套,那個就是相模原創 0.01!

直徑 35mm;
圓周 110mm;
闊度 55±2mm
長度 170mm
厚度 18 微米(相模的檢定標準)
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-2
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-3
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-4
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-5
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-6
Sagami - 相模原創 0.01 5片裝 照片-7

Very good, more than enough lubrication. Second time ordering, satisfied.

Clear, dick slides just right.

On the merits - thin, smooth, not noticeable for a girl that there is a condom

Very thin, lube doesn't stick, easy to rinse off

Quality, thin

We are super happy with it!

I really liked it, much better than the regular ones. I'll be getting more.

The first time I used it, my wife thought I was wearing nothing at all. I had to show her there was a condom. Very thin, quickly heated by the heat of the human body, you almost don't feel that it is there.

If you want to get closer to your partner, buying these condoms is the first step towards your goal. You are on the right track. I personally love them! =)

The best that money can buy! From the "put it on and forget it" category - the condom is not noticeable at all!

全部預覽 (20)
客戶評價: 20

Very good, more than enough lubrication. Second time ordering, satisfied.

Clear, dick slides just right.

On the merits - thin, smooth, not noticeable for a girl that there is a condom

Very thin, lube doesn't stick, easy to rinse off

Quality, thin

We are super happy with it!

I really liked it, much better than the regular ones. I'll be getting more.

The first time I used it, my wife thought I was wearing nothing at all. I had to show her there was a condom. Very thin, quickly heated by the heat of the human body, you almost don't feel that it is there.

If you want to get closer to your partner, buying these condoms is the first step towards your goal. You are on the right track. I personally love them! =)

The best that money can buy! From the "put it on and forget it" category - the condom is not noticeable at all!


我試過好多牌子嘅安全套,但係Sagami - Original係我最鍾意嘅。佢好薄,感覺好自然。


Good quality logistics ultrafast

呢款Sagami 真係好用,好薄好舒服,感覺好似無著咁。我會推薦比我啲朋友。
